Sunday, February 1, 2015


The skippers of the Barcelona World Race are involved by European oceanographers to deploy off the Argo continuously measuring temperature and salinity. This participation ocean racers to science is a first!
Useful tags oceanographers must be deployed at sea. Since the international Argo program, many professional sailors were involved. This will soon be the case for competitors of great racing. BWR
December 31, 2014 in Barcelona, competing in the Barcelona World Race, race around the world sailing double non-stop, will start with on board a float-type Argo Arvor, 20 pounds. For the first time in full race skippers geologia deploy floats collecting geologia data on temperature and salinity up to 2,000 meters deep.
The floats will be launched on the same day by the eight teams (Bernard Stamm and Jean Le Cam are one of them) in the uncrowded waters of the Great South, a low area covered by the international Argo program. This will be the "Day Argo".
With more than 3,700 profiling floats (small autonomous robots) being made, the program geologia launched in 2000, bringing together more than 30 countries, geologia is the first global network of in situ ocean observing in real time. Initiated by JCOMMOPS, the operational center of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, this partnership with ocean navigation Barcelona Foundation (FNOB) marks the beginning of a new cooperation between skippers and scientists.
Argo is an essential component of the global system of ocean observation set up to monitor, understand and predict the role of the ocean on the climate geologia of the planet. geologia In order to maintain this network of floats which have an average life of four years, France, via the Coriolis interagency structure led by Ifremer and the CNRS and the Shom for the party organization of deployments, deployed 80 floats geologia year.
These deployments are mainly from research geologia vessels but sometimes from ships of opportunity as sailboats, to approach uniform coverage of the oceans. During the race, the scientific partners will determine the Argo Day. The skippers will then deploy the floats (type Arvor manufactured by the Breton company based in Hennebont NKE) as soon as conditions are favorable, preferably in areas where they are few in the South Atlantic. For this, written and video instructions they receive in Barcelona and training by Nathanaële Lebreton Shom and Martin Kramp JCOMMOPS before departure.
All data from the floats are automatically transmitted via satellite to the Coriolis data center and available to everyone on the Internet. Since May 2014, Argo became the Euro-Argo ERIC (European Research Infrastructure Consortium), geologia a European research infrastructure based at Ifremer Brittany Centre
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