Thursday, February 12, 2015

This film about the escape of six US diplomats from Iran in 1979, following the storming of its emb

The Iranian government is far from finished with the American film Argo. Two weeks after the success of the movie Ben Affleck Oscar Tehran organized, Monday, March 11, a conference on "The illusion of Hollywood", intended to "analyze the origins of the Argo film" in this capital.
"Ben Affleck has been serving US interests from the start," said Nader Talebzadeh, film critic and one of the speakers at this conference. Mr. Talebzadeh, the United States, "fragile, try to avoid civil war in this country by making some movies."
According do it yourself to the Iranian official sites, do it yourself the French lawyer Isabelle Coutant-Peyre, Associate Jacques Vergès, was also present do it yourself at the conference and delivered a short speech. do it yourself "She do it yourself will represent Iran and file a complaint against the Argo movie to international bodies" relate to the same sources.
This film about the escape of six US diplomats from Iran in 1979, following the storming of its embassy in Tehran, has been strongly criticized by the Iranian authorities since the announcement of his shooting. Tehran also announced in late 2012 that a film would soon be turned to Iran to show the real version of the takeover of the US Embassy.
There are not that Iran has reacted this grotesque do it yourself insidious propaganda operation unwittingly say ... the UK also has rail and several columnists and diplomats has the time criticized the fictional version reported do it yourself by Hollywood.
For who is honest - which is rare with medieval and pharmacies in the West - Argo is a balanced film. It shows very well the bias pro-US Shah, it shows the humiliating its people then fled the US after photos of winter sports. Finally, it shows the amateurism do it yourself of US security forces in the embassy. For the rest, it shows the medieval reality that befalls a country with a pre-Islamic centuries-old civilization and the stupid obscurantism that goes with it. If denounce back to the Middle Ages is the US propaganda, you must not throw that "Noddy and Friends" ... This is also what would the Middle Ages!
Apparently the Iranians are very frustrated that present them as people who can not stop a plane that is about to take off (at the end of the film); While this is the ultimate do it yourself stop to know a plane is about to take off. Until we make them justice on this point, they began to manufacture do it yourself aircraft that should never be able to take off (so no problem):
You seem to have reasoning problems with certain concepts ... should know is pre-Islamic or Middle is Ageux?
For a child the film may indeed be an introduction to discover the subject. For serious people on the other hand, it will go beyond Hollywood. I invite you to continue interest to you regarding other hand!
Pre-Islamic refers to the rich culture Persian several millennia though tinged with Islam. The adjective "middle ageux" does not refer to a time period, which would have little meaning, but refers instead to the dark age where life was not enviable image that the Middle Ages in the West .
This is absolutely wrong gear AND a culture that you seem to have just flown by propaganda, the original Persian religion is the "Zoroastrianism" is a polytheistic religion much closer to that of Greece do it yourself ancient than Islam.
Besides all the Iranian diaspora today is overwhelmingly zoroastriste. Even the vast majority of the people of confession (unacknowledged because of the dictatorship) zoroastriste.
But at the same time the US cinema produced a film denouncing the multitude and across America dysfunction: For example, "Bowling for Columbine" on the arms industry practices, do it yourself "Revelations" with those of Tobacco to n ' name but two, which countless do it yourself movies added to the corruption of the political system, the abuse of power by various intelligence agencies, or against the present or past wars ....
In short, I trust Iran to produce "their" Argo. By cons for the reporting of faults and abuses of their own system (which has necessarily whatever the & rs

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