Sunday, February 22, 2015

We can recommend the following: sealing window panes in frames

"The paint scrape cells from radiators tubes (there are hints) should not - says Vasily Kondakov. - The effectiveness of this "revision" worthless, and if radiators are made of aluminum alloys - then it can even reduce the impact of heat. " The need to save gas, electricity and water, none of the sane people tubes doubted before. But today, especially in cold weather, it is of particular tubes importance. The biggest cost of energy in the home associated with heating the home.
In the coldest days of thermal power heaters (radiators) required for heating medium size apartment in an apartment building, is about five kW; using natural gas for heating its consumption during one winter month is 200 - 300 cubic meters.
It should be noted that for heating individual homes the same area required power radiators and gas consumption usually twice or even three times due to a larger area of exterior walls and heat loss through the floor and ceiling (a little apartment, and neighbors warm). With the current tariff of natural gas per cubic meter - 1.1 USD. (Without benefits) the cost of gas needed for heating rooms, will be about 250 USD., And the house - 350 - 700 USD. per month, very much.
If gas prices equated to world prices (and before that, sooner or later we will come), for example, $ 400 per 1,000 cubic meters, then at the rate of one dollar = 15 USD. (It's on the "minimum wage") heating apartment tubes would cost 900 UAH., And House - 1800 - 3600 UAH. The amount of lift! The question save gas gradually turns into a matter of survival. What to do? Heat curtains
- First of all, it is necessary to minimize heat loss and improve the efficiency of the heating system - recommends menyanyn Vasily Kondakov entrepreneur who manages to save a lot of money by using energy-saving technologies. - Of course, tubes if you build a house from scratch - a much easier, but also in the apartment or house "old-timers" is also possible.
First you need to simply increase the impact of heat from the radiator to the room, leaving it open. In fact, according to experts, tubes the presence of a wide sill over a radiator reduces the impact of heat on three - five per cent, the presence of decorative screens - 10 - 20%, mending drywall or plywood with slits for the passage of air, covered nets - 40% ( !).
Greatly reduced the impact of the radiator, closed the curtains and blinds. In this case, much of the heat from the heated air rising from the radiator in the gap between the curtains and windows, spent, in fact, to heat the street. To avoid this, simply lay out curtains and blinds on the window sill. It also reduces heat loss from the room through the window. In short, all winter batteries should be fully open, even if it is unaesthetic.
- It is better to clean the radiators of dirt that had come inside because tubes it slows down the movement of water through the battery and it is not fully warmed up - continues Vasily Kondakov conversation. - For this summer should be set at the bottom of the battery cock, and before the heating season will be enough to pull a few buckets of water - and dirt come. Unfortunately, it will not clear the internal surface of the scale. tubes Here without removing the radiator or even replaced, most likely not do.
Simple aluminum foil on the wall behind the radiator ensure reflection of thermal radiation into space. Between the foil and the wall, leave air space or enclose a letter material with low thermal conductivity (suitable burlap). tubes This will reduce heat loss through exterior walls by 5%.
The total length of cracks in the frame of a window (depending on the design) can reach 5 - 7, and if the balcony door, then 12 meters (these are the way to cold!). Do not forget that the gap can be formed also between the lower surface of the sill and the wall between frames and glass.
We can recommend the following: sealing window panes in frames "sealant" setting in gaps frame adhesive rubber seal inside need an additional seal cracks with special tape.
But what gives all these measures? Let's make a simple tubes calculation. Let the heating system maintains the temperature difference between the room and the street 30 C, then increase the impact of heat from the radiators (or reduce heat loss) 20% are equivalent to the temperature 6 C. As they say, feel the difference, for example, between 14 C and 20 C in the room.
Related literature: 08.21.2013 tubes To ensure energy independence (0) on the implementation in Chernihiv tasks and orders of the President of Ukraine on ensuring energy independence spoke during the press conference [...] 08/29/2014 SBU unmasked tubes accomplice terrorist organization "DNR" (0) Employees of the Security Service of Ukraine in Chernihiv region exposed the criminal activities of the inhabitants m.Volnovaha Donetsk region, which recruited residents [...] 08/07/2014 In

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