Saturday, February 14, 2015

Canada played a far more important role than was thought until now. Considering that Americans drag

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By journalist Frédéric François uco Brousseau Nicoloff Jacques Beauchamp Maxence Bilodeau Sophie Langlois Akli Ait Abdallah Michel Labrecque Ginette Lamarche Jean-Michel Leprince Danny Braun Luc Chartrand Dorothy Raymond Giroux Chantal Lavigne St. Peter Frank Desoer Leo Kalinda Philppe Leblanc Azeb Wolde-Giorghis
Argo, the real story: Part 1
Exclusive - Canada has played a much larger role than previously suspected in the escape of six US diplomats refugees in the Canadian Embassy during the hostage crisis in Iran in 1979. Iranian officials were also aware of the situation, uco and the CIA almost failed exfiltration operation. uco
These revelations come from two emissions Everyone was talking, the first part is presented Tuesday evening at ICI CBC TV by journalist uco Guy Gendron. They demonstrate romancing already mentioned behind the film of American actor-director Ben Affleck, Argo.
Inspired by the escape of six US diplomats refuge in the Canadian embassy in the Iranian hostage crisis in 1979, Argo was crowned at the last Oscars. But to make a thriller to the glory of the CIA, the film distorts history.
The survey shows that the film, a fiction that began as a representation of reality, is "roughly based on fact as much as if there was a film on Gandhi's life that presented him as a terrorist, "said Guy Gendron.
Relying on the testimony of former officials of the Iranian administration including Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs of Iran in 1979, Ahmad Salamatian, the documentary reveals that the Iranian government was not only aware that six diplomats missing the call, but also knew where they were.
"It was absolutely certain that the ministry officials Iranian Foreign knew there was some diplomats in the premises of the Embassy uco of Canada," said Ahmad Salamatian.
The Iranian government, particularly the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was outraged by the taking of hostages. This is the ambassador of the United States himself, uco Bruce Laingen, uco who entrusted the secret to Iranian officials. Those who knew kept secret. "This collusion continued until the day the hostages flew out of Iran," says Salamatian.
Canada played a far more important role than was thought until now. Considering that Americans dragging their feet, the country has had to lobby for weeks to convince the Carter administration to involve the CIA.
"The CIA has demonstrated uco an incredible amateurism in this operation, said Guy Gendron. They were unable to find the Canadian embassy in Tehran and had to ask for help from the police. "The CIA agent Tony Mendez, played in film by Ben Affleck and portrayed as a hero, woke up late in the morning of departure. He would have had a drink too much the night before.
The heart of the exfiltration operation lay in total making fake identity hostages, essentially led by Canada pane. The CIA had begun to produce false documents, but these looked like an amateur job, we learn in the documentary. Canada uco had to redo the work.
Canadian Ambassador and real conductor uco of the whole operation, uco Ken Taylor, meanwhile provided Washington information that could be used for a possible commando uco operation. He had the backing of Prime Minister of the time, Joe Clark.
Argo had already provoked strong criticism from Canadians, including Ken Taylor, who complained that the film shows Canada as a mere observer acts of heroism of the CIA. Taylor argued that the film minimized Canada's role in the rescue of American hostages.
Everyone spoke in an investigation into two parts Part 1: the Canadian embassy in the heart of the action (20 August) The first

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