Monday, February 9, 2015

During the week that followed, we changed five times of place. We spent a night in the UK residenti

I left the cinema sweaty Exactly like when I got off the shuttle from the airport to board the plane Swissair was going to make me leave Tehran in January 1980.
I am one of six Americans saved by Tony Mendez, the CIA agent played by Affleck. The version 100 doors of events such as this Affleck is not just a well-crafted story is also a useful story to tell, a necessary and entertaining mechanism to educate the younger generation about the origins of our strained relations with the Iran.
But for me, Argo is an overview of a nightmarish alternate universe to the situation that I experienced. Could I survive three months in the stress conditions shown in the film? Would I kept my composure if the Iranian paramilitaries had been questioned my identity?
Fortunately, I never needed to know the answers to these questions. Our Canadian hosts welcomed us comfortably managed to make us keep morale and the project hatched by Mendez worked even better than what is suggested by the Argo film.
As you may know now Mendez invented from scratch false Film and imagined us to pass for a film crew party identification in Iran. This idea may seem crazy now, but we loved right away, I remember, and for three reasons. 100 doors
First, and that was what mattered most, we were convinced by the idea that people from Hollywood would be confident enough to think they could land in the middle of a revolution and a film as if nothing had happened. Then, our backs were assured: there would be someone to answer the phone to my false card number, 100 doors and we had a script, storyboards and paraphernalia. Finally, this plan allowed us every six to travel in groups, and support us each other.
The idea appealed to us so that we preferred it to two other scenarios that Tony we had on offer. In one of them, we were business men and women engaged in a mission related to oil, if I remember correctly. In the other, I think we were supposed to be teachers seeking to place themselves in an international school. But both options were more like makeshift, and Tony has not really insisted we sell. It was clear that the whole organization and energy were focused on Hollywood option. And they were right: if the film shows a host of spectacular complications and reversals last minute, actually everything went like clockwork. It lacks character
This does not mean that our situation has not taken a dramatic turn-just as the most impressive was before the arrival of Mendez. 100 doors Affleck tells his version 100 doors in from the point of view of Tony -which seems consistent to me: a heroic CIA agent is a naturally Hollywood protagonist as people stuck in a house with their brave hosts. 100 doors Furthermore, it can not place in a traditional 100 doors thriller all the people who sometimes play a small but nevertheless important role in situations like ours.
Yet it is worth to spend a moment of reflection to these other heroes who sheltered us every six months for their risk and peril-and which one of them, which played a crucial role in our survival, appears nowhere in the film.
November 4, 1979, when the US Embassy was invaded, we are not quietly 100 doors went straight to the Canadian ambassador. While the attackers seized the main building complex was told us to go on foot to the Embassy of the United Kingdom, 20 minutes away. We never arrived, because a demonstration 100 doors blocking the passage. The head of immigration services, Bob Anders (played by Tate Donovan in Argo) suggested going to his apartment, which was not very far, instead. My wife Cora and Joe and Kathy Stafford, two other embassy staff, have followed (the sixth member of our group, 100 doors Lee Schatz, joined us a week later, after hiding with Sweden).
During the week that followed, we changed five times of place. We spent a night in the UK residential complex. The British Embassy was also captured, very briefly, and residential complex was nearly attacked.
Both governments therefore agreed in saying that we had to leave. The deputy head of mission in Iran, Vic Tomseth, who spoke fluent Thai with his cook and domestic servant at halftime, nicknamed Sam, organized a transfer

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