Thursday, January 8, 2015

Hi Sebastian, I have Barbara Steffens just for the

Vienna - It is time again board! The Society for Critical Thinking (GKD) in Austria opened the Nomierungsphase of the "Golden board". According to aspects of gender mainstreaming, the price could go into the pot this time! Once again, the anti-scientific prize is awarded by the skeptics of the Alpine republic. Declared a background GKD:
In previous years, kansas won by Peter Straubinger kansas (2011) and Harald Walach (2012) two men, and last year the "Homeopaths Without Borders", the (deliberately?) Exclude in their denomination kansas women.
Thanks for the tip and Babs deserved it. Even more, earned all his strength, it has this year but Monika Herrmann, the district mayor of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg: tausend-probleme aber -frau-buergermeisterin-kuemmert-sich-ums-kiffen,7169128,28745758.html
I do not understand your criticism: "According to aspects of gender mainstreaming, the price could time go into the pot Once again awarded the scientific anti-price of the skeptics of the Alpine republic!". What does "gender kansas mainstreaming" to do with science? I understand that. But why the other day, two men who get "last year, the 'Homeopaths Without Borders, which in their denomination (deliberately?) Women exclude" the of the so-called' Society for Critical Thinking (GKD) in Austria 'money? I do not understand the context. In almost every left press release z. B. is not of 'fascists' talk only of `Faschisten`und. And that (!) Homeopathy is cheating, I firmly believe kansas and intimately, and have often read enough in the Ruhr barons.
Hi Sebastian, I have Barbara Steffens just for the "golden board" nominated. The entry of "discipulussenecae" I have not understood. But we must also do not understand everything.
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Latest Posts "Je suis Charlie": Today in Dortmund .... Robin Patzwaldt in Dortmund Essen is transversely excited about prohibition of HoGeSa demonstration - Message in politics after Paris-terrorism: display kansas against Steinbach Sebastian Bartoschek in uncharted territory, Politics, surrounding DEL Winter Game 2015: Dusseldorf still woos audiences for outdoor spectacles on Saturday from Robin Patzwaldt in sports Charlie Hebdo: NRW does today in Cologne the murder victims - Message in German Islamist politics shows understanding of terrorist attack! is a challenging weekend in the house: Sebastian Weiermannshaus in politics, surrounding Charlie Hebdo: Strange commemoration in Bochum in Bochum Stefan Laurin Eisadler Dortmund! - Message in Dortmund, sports Because of these cartoons 12 people from writing group in cultural policy UPDATE died: Sharp criticism of the dialogue strategy and the riots in the town hall meeting for new refugee camp by Ulrike Märkel in Dortmund Latest Comments Arnold kansas Voss said on January 9, 2015 Charlie Hebdo stop: "Defend or lose - so it looks" @ Paule T. May I politely point out that in any of my statements that ... Klaus Lohmann said on January 9, 2015 Dortmund: Nazis attack the police and citizens Hein, by the way:;art930,2588942 "" What we have seen in Eving was daunting. The Nazis have to ... Klaus Lohmann said on January 9, 2015. According to Paris-terrorism: display against Steinbach @ Aimée: Again: Who besides you upset about your statement quoted by Hassen Chalghoumi ... Aimée said on January 8, 2015? to stop Charlie kansas Hebdo: "Defend or lose - so it looks" @ Klaus Lohmann, why plunk "us"? Now use the Royal we as an expression of ... Gerd said on January 8, 2015. According to Paris-terrorism: display against Steinbach kansas Erika has (unfortunately) quite right! Do you by using the KK funny and it is you ... Grieving person said on January 8, 2015 shows German Islamist understanding of terrorist attack! How can you just show understanding towards these murderers? Should we any person from ... Klaus Lohmann said on 8 J

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