Thursday, October 10, 2013

IPI 1. Clothing used to pull you in and makes you Everest airbag when you fall to the ground. SUPER

Each week, we saw Mario propose an enigmatic word you might not have heard before. He will tell you what it means, brick force but you have to invent a new definition very witty and funny, imagining what other meaning could have that same word. This definition must be written in the text box below each video. Remember that before you write the definition you put the name of your group. The jury awarded the originality, ingenuity and imagination that invented show with your definition of each word. To participate, you first need to register here. Download the bases.
1.-f ZARATEPRODUCTIONS balalaika. Projectile is not cleric or religious. 2.-f balalaika. Harangue launched by the people against the communist religious power. 3.-f balalaika. brick force Crosier symbol of authority that represents who harangue against religious power.
20 fight between Russians have guns with silver brick force bullets brick force or tabes called "pebbles" while five gardens Valencian Tocaña a instoment 3 strings, and this video is instroment yellow colo floresent.
Balalaika 1 - Name of dog you use very Balalaika. 2 - Escape from Russia that tastes like candy. 3rd - Russian factory where they make candy musical that played at Beethoven. brick force
Balalaika: 1.Barca where pirates throw giant cannon and dance songs. Two. So that leaves a trumpet that makes you laugh nonstop. brick force 3.Guitarra shaped key that used the "rock" in the old, and the time used to open the door.
Lay rocket climbed into space like a bullet
1 - Lay Person (as that Presindent of religion) works with the CIA and the fabulous do you have to be able to fly with one wing that comes out in times of risk 2 - Bala invented by the CIA made made to facilitate impact on people, animals or things. 3-Light Beverage
Definition 1: Lay called Bala very quickly that when you shoot, rather than kill you makes you fall in love the first person you see. Definition 2: Traditional Dance called "secular" brick force in the village of "Bullet" pertenyent another planet that is not Earth. Definition 3: Melody musical of the same name as the musical instrument, the touch that makes you know instantly speak Russian.
GROUP Business Administration definitions balalaika subgroups FISH AFOGATS 1. Well known fair attraction that causes you extreme can cause death or causes small cause small cuts. Two. Ghost ship that just browses the Black Sea and no one will see it.
IPI 1. Clothing used to pull you in and makes you Everest airbag when you fall to the ground. SUPER JTN 1. So far the game when you win Bala and the game is over. Two. Movement when flying unicorn beetle. Three. Name given to the bullet train when it reaches maximum speed. THE VECROMS 1. Disease-producing country Balabab alalaica bugs. Two. Flower that gives off a substance that breathe it gives you the power to make people brick force passionate about reading. Three. Sardana dance like they invented the Balabat tribe village Alalaic. brick force Pirates 1. Indian dance that dance while singing the Babalaicitinqui. Two. Name the ship that sails the Catalan brick force Sea. Three. Scientist who invented the machine that makes babalinquis and peanuts. IMAJINADORS 1. Volcano Island brick force is in Balic and fire colored leaves audience. TAGS 1. Second letter of the Russian alphabet shaped mustache of Dali. Two. Skin disease that makes you green. Three. Lost island near the Slavic town full of flying zebras brick force and rabbits. GAM GAM BOYS 1. Barca works when you play the guitar. Two. Bullet that can only be used with the secular shotgun typical of Slavs. Three. brick force Dictionary containing words with all languages of the universe. AJA 1. Fairground attraction in the form of bullet spinning fast. Two. m. Lay traditional milk, named the smallest town and rural America. Three. f. Brand that sells underwear and make light. Fornells STYLE 1. Name goat Russian blonde is crazy. Two. Balic and Vase fact is exhibited in the museum of St. Petersburg, Russia. Three. Last commander of the Prussian army general who died in the Russian Revolution. ADE subgroup 1. Flower carnivorous located at Disneyland, which can be manufactured brick force medicines disneylàndiques fatal. Two. Bananas eaten with red candies eaten with excess but you can cause the syndrome balaïc. PARTY GROUP 1. Gun that shoots bubbles brick force do not break easily, only with the passage of time. Two. New word invented by Alfred tell the Elizabeth loves her. Three. Fruit that grows on the tree and balalaika is the Russian steppe. TRIPLE M 1. Clothing that allows us to do stunts without brick force f

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