Friday, December 5, 2014

The national government is moving in the mechanisms of e ... Victor Correa Velez

On Friday 14 November at the Council of Sincelejo everything was served for the group Yahir Acuña stay with head office in Rafael pattern, a councilor of the party of the U, loyal to exrepresentante. Acuña dominated majorities 11 councilors to 6 of Mayor Jairo Fernández, which would hinder managed major projects for the development of the city and even have paralyzed education hurting nearly 53,000 students stud to not pass a budget addition for payment teachers. This generated a groundswell of opinion against him which led to the council, Diego Market Radical Change, Américo Donated Conservative Party and Luis Suarez Conservative Party to withdraw support and inflicting a defeat to elect Luis Suárez as president stud of the corporation. That same day exrepresentante also received bad news for his political future. Figures from a local survey will be defeated were averse first in the intention to vote for governor of Sucre, which was favorite. The candidate now inaugurates its foundation Good Governance, which although not the same President Santos says a friend of the government that came up in the last election in which he played for the reelection of President Santos.
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The national government is moving in the mechanisms of e ... Victor Correa Velez
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