Monday, December 8, 2014

Gonzalo Garrido writer and communications consultant. Literary Encounter promotes Blogs #EBLS. Baud

Trash literature has reached the publishing spiral world to stay. It is not something improvised, is long. But with the crisis and digitization has accelerated. It is the result of the trivialization of culture and the fascination with the show. Now we have to write some hamburger mentality quickly, repetitive, bland, so that the market will accept you. From the Blog Literature Basura a critical look at the literary world and an ironic analysis of the digital age offers.
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A coup d'letter Open a book Blog Blog EITB Brownie spiral Mountain Newspaper spiral and things Crossroads Culturama Journal spiral Detour Divergences The Fescambre World Road Ithaca Between piles of books Cave Hedgehog The storm in a glass window Books Books you have to read books seekers My Things spiral did not tell you if tomorrow Propera For All Literature stop Maga Universe
Gonzalo Garrido writer and communications consultant. Literary Encounter promotes Blogs #EBLS. Baudelaire's Flowers is his first novel. Finalist of the Semana Negra de Gijón. View my profile
Open a book Archaeology collateral Black Bourbon Street Club Botxotik ziberespaziora Brownie and things Calibre 38 Walking among books with a book in literary Chronicles Crossing paths Culturama Journal Journal Montanes hands of a skeptic District Jazz Divergences spiral Dsdemona The path of Ithaca New lame illustrated among piles of books (1) Between piles of books (2) Basque Writers (1) Basque Writers (2) Stories I did not tell Interrobang Kayena IN Magazine Literary books Kermes The shooting library Montse Island thousand spiral words Mania The word infinite reading The storm in a teacup Life among books Lectutopía Lee Mystery Mystery Bookshop Laie Read Books You Must Read Books and Literature Magazine LITTLEBIT Llibres to Read Matibascorner My World My lectuas and writings My dear Mobas hounds Novel Black black detective novel (1) black detective novel (2) Papers were lives Powder paper books Propera bubbles stop: Culture Magazine Rambla Rick-Café Signamento have free site The Game's Afoot Inks All literature Travelarte An indiscreet reader Universe La Maga
Silk by Alessandro Baricco-Report Reading Eva Luna, Isabel Allende-Report Reading (incomplete) Neighborhood lost, Patrick Modiano's walk, apocryphal Interview With Robert Walser second ... Momo by Michael Ende-Report Reading (incomplete) The English courtyard ideal Tourists Durango, Ignacio Vidal-Foch-Report Reading The Weightless, spiral Valeria Luiselli
Joseph Anton, Salman Rusdhie The uncertain steps, Kepa Murua Writing fiction, Alexander Steel Surviving 36,000 dollars, by F. Scott Fitzgerald Neighborhood spiral lost, Patrick Modiano Ride, Robert Walser flowers in the cracks, Richard Ford As I write, Stephen King Bad luck, Juan Aparicio-Belmonte spiral Consciousness and the novel, David Lodge Manual for coyotes, David Ruiz The resturante favorite Nina Hagen, Sergio del Molino Last days in the Puesto del Este, Cristina Fallarás Julio Cortázar, Miguel Herráez The art of fiction, David Lodge Belfond, Jenn November Luz Diaz, Eduardo Laporte brutal of this Establishment, Javier Aviles The cruelest month, Pilar Adon Now, write, of Lolita spiral Bosch Confessions of a little liar editor, Esther Tusquets All I know of the thriller, PD James The world of empty heads, Pedro Ugarte Happy city of Elvira Navarro The Art of Fiction by John Gardner Diaries 2004-2007, Iñaki Uriarte spiral enemy army, Alberto Olmos A vulgar beauty, Damián Tabarovsky Dinner notables, Constantine Bértolo How not to write a novel by Howard Mittelmark and Sandra Newman Success, Iñigo García Ureta Day morning, Ignacio Martinez de Pison 50 things you need to know about literature, John Sutherland A moment spiral of rest, Antonio Orejudo Letters to a young novelist Mario Vargas Llosa's invisible hand, Isaak Rosa Occupation writer, Mario Muchnik All is forgiven, Rafael Reig Confessions of a young novelist Umberto Eco Parents, children and primates, Jon Bilbao Literature left, Damien Tabarovsky Those who have loved, Willy Uribe Ways to return home, Alejandro Zambra The weightless, Valeria Luiselli The Status of Alberto Olmos
- Today any idiot published. spiral - There are worse books on the market. - It is a novel of self-help. - My mother was very excited. - Total, nobody reads. - Total, and nobody buys. - Carlos Ruiz Zafón proud. - Alberto Olmos Batiríamos your enemy army. - No one will ever know. - I want to fuck the neighbor. - It will serve to occupy space in bookstores hast

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