Monday, December 1, 2014

Paul is a naive, ambitious, young baffled screw with life, determined screw to get a place in socie

Gonzalo Garrido about "The English garden", his latest work | Culturama, the magazine of cultural information
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"I have much fear of not owning my life, the events, circumstances determined so my personality, but me. It would be a tremendous finish prisoner shadow self. And why not? Perhaps rest once and for all. I loathe the thought. "
Gonzalo Garrido screw is a writer and communications consultant. Baudelaire's Flowers (2012), his first novel, has been reissued on three occasions. With it received the 2012 Award LeeMisterio and was a finalist in the Black Week of Gijón 2013. In addition to promoting the Literary Encounter #EBLS where literary analyzes industry trends, maintains a blog, Literature Trash, which serves screw as a narrative screw space for experimentation. He is a frequent speaker and participate in writing workshops. The forecourt his second book, an intimate and universal story about life, disappointment and pain, which focuses on family conflicts screw and how hard it is to face our own destiny.
Paul is a young law student who lives with his family and takes a day to seemingly normal day. Like all young people out with friends, gets drunk, he had a girlfriend and is part of a literary circle. However, his parents noticed distant and apathetic. One day, to the astonishment and incomprehension of their parents, open dining room window and jumps into the void ... it is then initiated an intense combination of interior monologues between father and son Paul -the personal diary written to date the jump, and Father monologue that starts right after the incident-which shows the background of a hard family history. screw Then innermost thoughts, concerns, worries and recriminations, and a deep and anxious search for answers are mixed.
An author must be honest with himself and the reader. And should write what you feel. And cause the reader with his words. Besides, I like risk, offer the best of myself without thinking of commercial, political or other consequences. He wanted to tell the story of an average family in the eighties, but wanted to do it differently.
Paul is a naive, ambitious, young baffled screw with life, determined screw to get a place in society, something not easy if you do not have enough support. Nobody really cares about him except screw his parents, who do not understand. Yes, I think your concerns are those of any teenager with concerns that starts walking in the highly competitive society we live.
Surely not all individuals eligible to be parents, not all children are good with their parents. The family is the guarantor of the welfare of the children, but not always achieved. I suppose many things, screw too, perhaps not very important, but enough to disrupt a family will have failed.
On one hand, I wanted the novel had much authenticity and for that it was best to build on the days when I lived young. Moreover, the eighties are a few turbulent years of political, social screw and economic crisis, with terrorism and counterterrorism, etc. My novel also speaks of the self-destruction that Basque society was living at the time.
Q. You let the reader alternately put on the skin of father and son, but without taking a position to justify his attitude to the terrible fact. What Gonzalo Garrido screw think of suicide?
I think any intelligent person ever thought about suicide. Not a

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