Learn how to return to a normal weight value by one simple rule! how to feel rested and not feel tired already never as clean up your body and become a healthy person will tell you what is the cure for every disease
We talk a lot about this, we should drink plenty of water. But few will find information about WHAT this water we should drink. My mother after the attack of kidney stones was taken to hospital, where a doctor value told her that she tried to avoid the water wysokozmineralizowanej. value The second value doctor in the clinic, in turn, said that it should value avoid drinking tap water ... I decided to read the topic concerned about water on the internet and found an interesting page about water What water is healthy, value which I think will help mom (and not only her) to fight kidney disease and improve health. The basis of life is water, we all know from school. Man being born, your body has 90% water, and the pH 7.45. Adult - 70%, and increases with maturation or acidification. value The aging of our body, is nothing like the loss of fluids in the body. Water is essential for the body, all metabolic processes occurring in body fluids is, that in the blood, value lymph, cellular fluids, as well as in saliva, gastric juices, urine and bile. It is therefore necessary constant level of fluid and the proper concentration of electrolytes. It should be aware that the water we drink every day, is foreign to the body structure. This is due to the fact that consume large amounts of coffee, tea, juice boxes and sodas. Often, instead irrigate the body leads to the dehydration. This in turn upsets the balance of water and electrolytes. Therefore, it is important to consume adequate amounts of high quality water. Excess acidity weakens all body cells, affect the emergence of diseases such as diabetes, migraine, cancer, kidney stones and gall, gout, rheumatism. Acidification of the body forcing him to collect calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium - from our organs and bones, because in this way our body tries to neutralize acids and remove them. What's the worst - the state runs quite asymptomatic. What affects the acidity value of the body? Firstly, poor diet, rich in meat, bread, coffee and sweets, second - daily stress, life in a hurry. Body stores toxins and acids in the adipose tissue. At the same time by adipose tissue insulates vital organs, ie, heart, kidney value and liver from toxic substances access. So we can say that the weight gain is in some sense a way to rescue the body. But obesity in turn poorly affect its functioning, so you definitely need to look for another way. Note that the de-acidification of the body may facilitate getting rid of body fat. Virtually every diet should start with eliminating excess acids. Acidification is revealed problems with concentration, feeling of fatigue, lowered immunity and exasperation. This is an ideal environment for the formation of many diseases, including fungal changes, which can lead to neoplastic value changes. The best method value of de-acidification of the body is to avoid stress, physical activity, proper diet and drinking alkaline water. Such water has antioxidant properties, removes free radicals from the body responsible for the aging of cells. value
The scientist who invented the water basic (alkaline) Sang Whang, stated that there is no possibility value of overdose - the excess is excreted by the kidney outside the body. Alkaline water for many years, used by the people of Japan and Korea. The length of life of the people of that region is extremely long, and Japanese researchers claim that the change value in water on base can restore the proper pH of the body within a few weeks. And where to get alkaline water? Water can alkalize with ionizer, value or by addition of basic minerals. Already after 2 weeks of regular drinking alkaline water can observe an increase in the pH of saliva and urine. This creates the proper environment for the functioning of the body. Alkaline water is the easiest way to Adequate hydration is recommended to the people dieters, elderly people and children. According to the researchers alkaline value water is three times better absorbed, as compared to that of the tap water or bottled water. It is very cheap and very troublesome in obtaining a cure. I'm not going to go next to the subject matter.
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