Thursday, May 7, 2015

Anti-Aging Take two to three pounds of apples, grind them with the skin and leave to stand for abou

In order to have beautiful and healthy skin, at least once a month immersed in the bath and treat yourself physically and spiritually. In addition to what will this treatment in your own bathroom to relax, it will serve the purpose Beautification. Choose a bath that best suits your skin type and mood.
Bath Face For a small home sauna that will help your face required a large pot of boiling water, a towel, which will cover your head and essential oil in accordance with the type of your skin. Normal skin: mandarin essential oil or lavender. Oily skin: essential oil of lemon or eucalyptus. Dry skin: essential oil of rose or chamomile. When water boils, put six drops of essential oil that suits your skin type. Then tilt the face of the pot so that you are at least a foot of water and cover your head with a towel. After two minutes, stop steaming. Warm water again and repeat the whole process. The pores will open and the face is then ready for cleaning and for the mask. Note: sauna for the face is not recommended for people with sensitive skin and those who have problems with asthma.
Anti-Aging Take two to three pounds of apples, grind them with the skin and leave to stand for about eight hours at room temperature. Then with the help of gauze make the lining of the apple pulp and let it work for about 20 minutes. Apples are rich in vitamins, especially A, C and E, which protect the body from free radicals responsible for skin aging. Besides contain pectin, which soothes and softens the skin and maleic acid, which acts as an exfoliator. As soon as you remove the lining, you can immerse yourself in a bath with an addition of 20 drops of extract of calendula, chamomile, and witch hazel. It will act on the skin refreshing oak and soften her.
For softer skin Mix three cups of oatmeal, two cups of wheat bran and a quarter cup of aloe vera gel. Put the mixture in a nylon sock, tie it and dive into the tub. After soaking in water, rub the skin "bag". Another way is to prepare tea with ginseng and 10 bags add to the bath. Ginseng softens the skin and prevents its aging.
The luxurious bath for dry skin in the bath Add soda for cooking, which is excellent for moisturizing. Under the stream of water and add ten drops of rose oil, one of the best means for moisturizing. To create a special atmosphere, drop into the water and a few rose petals. As well as moisturizes the skin, rose oil smells wonderful and prevents capillary. Oil and water do not usually mix well. Therefore, add a little milk, which will help it.
For easy step you want to get rid of excess fluid from the leg? The bathing water put 2 kg of rock salt, stay in the water for 20-30 minutes, then rinse in the shower. The high concentration of salt draws the liquid from the interior of the body and pulled her out. Body parts that are most liquid reserves (eg. Feet) is empty, the water comes to the surface of the skin and moisturizes it is. But it is very important to wash your skin immediately after a bath salt because salt is otherwise dry out.
Against oily skin in the bath Add any combination of the juice of citrus fruits: oranges. lemon, grapefruit. Their acid kill bacteria, remove dirt and dry up excess oil. They are also excellent aromatherapy.
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