Requires analysis of the novel and dismantle structural and narrative studied through simplicity two levels: the story and the level of discourse. Then, including simplicity the level of story events, characters or actors, and space Bmatyate temporal simplicity and spatial. Either simplicity discourse narrative within simplicity the novel, Vinkp to study Almlfozat language, and analysis of levels of narrative from the perspective of , and description, and time, and the formula, and eloquence, and architecture. In the sense that the components cost by Alsimeotiqa anecdotal narrative. Whereas, interested in the structural narrative or narrative studying science discourse simplicity or the form in which it is shown Metn Gaii. If Gerard gained, as a structural narrative, may restrict the speech or shape in three axes major #, namely: Vision narrative, and the formula, and the time the narrative, simplicity we will expand as much as possible this perception narrative Aljinnita, and by adding other hubs are of great importance in the formation of the narrative discourse, such as descriptions, image narrative, language, architecture and narrative. Hence, we have chosen for our application of structural narrative novel: "closed doors" of the Moroccan novelist safe Broadi #. So, what are the elements of the narrative discourse in this novel perspective and build a formula, description, and the eloquence and the language? What are the overall functions contained in these components that rhetorical significance, although some form, although Mqsidih? This is what we will focus in this paper is that in your hands.
Perspective is based on narrative in the novel: closed doors to secure Broadi simplicity vision from the rear or the narrative simplicity perspective of zero degrees, and that the presence of the absent of conscience, and the vision of absolute knowledge, which combines external knowledge and knowledge simplicity of the internal psychological. simplicity Balla for the absence of the narrator and impartiality. Namely: The narrator in this perspective, the narrative does not participate in the construction of his characters events event event. Thus, usher Alsardh novel proclamation see the narrative that is the vision of the back, running the third person, and a commitment to neutrality and objectivity in situ: "The time is approaching from the fifth evening, the sky wearing a robe gray, tends to blackness, announcing the arrival of the night, he began to sleep solves the streets of the small town , to sleep movement within the streets and neighborhoods, as its residents slept quietly unusual. # "
However Alsardh move from vision from the back to the vision from the outside, when they turn to external camera picks up the details of others. However, they do not pick up events only with difficulty and hardship and suffering, simplicity because after the figures reported, and do not possess adequate knowledge and appropriate, to enable them to take the personalities on the one hand, and familiarity with the details of the events on the other. therefore, only Bmruyat others, without criticism and screened and tested, and only testify personal as it receives, without explored and subjected to the test of science and cash and documentation: "several questions did not find her an answer, continued to stare sight of dogged, speeding Bnzeradtha, tracing simplicity the broad steps, which come down the street. confusion was evident from his movements, despite the darkness that blind us to the vision simplicity more clearly.
Even the light that is emitted from the lamps at the top of the street was minimal, not enough to visibility. simplicity As for the lamp contrast to their home, they manipulated by small stones, and break the bottle once as a whole, these young rioters do not wish them to play on, but with stones, glass and throw. "... simplicity
Accordingly, we record the presence of vision from the outside in abundance in this novel document or certificate or thesis; Because Alsardh does not transfer events directly on the tongue disappointing, but there is always a mediator between Alsardh of the third degree and actually transferred, it may be her husband Khalid narrator and mediator, may be the narrator or broker Ahmed Naima or the cafe's owner. Ie: There mediation simplicity narrative provide for the transfer of juveniles to Alsardh, simplicity as General Coordinator of the events, and the amount of them. Moreover, be Alsardh third-degree (hopes) are often unable to see the events directly, and clearly: "If it deems standing with that young man talking, was the voice of the latter, up, up echoed to told her, but you can not know what is going on between the two of an interview.
Accordingly, the rest of the back is the vision that frame the story in general, and the vision from the outside are a variety of variations of vision narrative simplicity within narrative text and narrative. On the other hand, bring the vision of the interior, or vision simplicity "with", simplicity Oalraah associated, through Cut Ahmed, who switched from personal framed to personal Sardh and participate simplicity in storytelling: "We were five brothers, enjoy calm and care with Mother and Father, not father's income allows simplicity us to live on the pattern of the affluent idiots., simplicity but thankfully father owns a house he inherited from his father, a Admana simplicity between simplicity the walls, in addition to a piece of land on the side of the road leading to the city of Berkane, we generate some livelihood that helps sheltered life. # "
Based on the foregoing, it is noted that there is a narrator key controls in steering the narrative, Medda group of narrators and Alsrad, tell the stories of a subsidiary, as part of the mechanism of embedding or reproduction narrative, such as Ahmad, the owner of the cafe, and Khaled, and Naima, and disappointing. This means that the writer benefit in some way from the techniques of the modern novel on the one hand, and the polyphonic novel when Mikhail Bakhtin on the other hand.
This, and the Alsardh simplicity in the novel range of functions, including Job: narrative, a first job and the main function of the presence of Alsardh, where deliberately simplicity narrator to storytelling and narrative simplicity first, and novel Mahkiat directly Secondly, exploring the events by Narratives of others III. Moreover, we find the coordination function, where distributed Alsardh talk between the characters is rotational, and coordinate them in a way the court, without forgetting the bookmark function, which is to transfer the problems of reality with all its contradictions negative, Kmchkl minor children, and the problem of the disintegration of the family, and the problem of illegal immigration, and the problem poverty, ignorance problem, and the problem of self-alienation and spatial, and the problem of loneliness and emptiness ... There is also a job that is in the emotional strings Simulator, and hopes spasms, and Tmzkadtha psychological, and the screams of her husband Khaled: "Ah Iahabibti! simplicity km did not hurt